Resumen: | During a longtime field study of the herpetofauna of the Cordillera Oriental (East Peru, Department of San Martin), the author observed and collected specimen of the endangered "Emeral Tree Boas" Corallus caninus (Linnaeus, 1758), which have a darks-blue hidden chin spot. The change from the juvenil to the adult's coloration is described. The two main factors endangering the species have been analized: (1) the extensive cleating of primary and montane forest, and (2) the confusion of this boa with the "Gream Treee Viper" Bothrop bilineatus smaragdimus. Methods protection and probles of reproduction are discussed (AU)^ienEn estudios sobre la herpetofauna de la Cordillera Oriental el autor encontró ejemplares de la "Boa Verde", Corallus caninus (Linnaeus, 1758). Se describe el cambio de la coloración juvenil a adulta, se informa sobre la amenaza que soporta esta especie y se menciona estratégicas de protección y problemas de reproducción de C. caninus, la cual es inofensiva para el hombre. (AU)^ies.