Id: | PE1.1
Autor: | Marticorena Pimentel, Emilio Aquiles; Marticorena, José M; Oyola Bardalez, Luz; Rodríguez, Víctor; García Godos, Félix; Alfaro Lossio, David; Fernández Dávila, Luis; Coloma, Ricardo; Contreras González, Abel; Gutiérrez, Isabel; Zamora, Camilo; Villavicencio, Félix. |
Título: | Impact and mid-term assessment of coronary patients rehabilitated with intermittent simulated hypoxia technique^ien.
Fuente: | Acta andin;8(1/2):39-45, 1999-2000. ^btab.
Resumen: | Main objetive of the present investigation were evaluate the impact of the simulated hypoxia technique - hypobaric chamber - to rehabilitate coronary bypassed patients with or without myocardial infarction. The following variable, pre and post rehabiliation four months program were explored: myocardial ischemia, arrythmia, late potencials, myocardium perfussion and molecular biochemistry. The last two were observed in a follow up of four months. results, shows general improvement. The follow up items, remained improved until protocol finish. Exercise was not utilized. Findigs are consider principally related to hypoxia. Mainly due to central rather than pheriphery recoveries. (AU)^ies.
Descriptores: | Coronariopatía/rehabilitación Anoxia Infarto del Miocardio/rehabilitación Arritmia Isquemia Miocárdica Perfusión
Límites: | Humanos Masculino Femenino
Localización: | PE1.1 |