Resumen: | Objetivo: Evaluar la adecuada prescripción de antimicrobianos en pacientes hospitalizados en salas de medicina de un hospital público peruano. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron a los pacientes mayores de 16 años de edad, haber estado hospitalizado en servicios de medicina, haber recibido tratamiento antibiótico y haber sido dado de alta entre enero y febrero de 2014. Resultados: De un total de 358 historias clínicas se seleccionaron 198 (55,3%) que recibieron algún tipo de terapia antibiótica. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron infección del tracto urinario, neumonía, celulitis y pie diabético. Los antimicrobianos más utilizados fueron ceftriaxona, clindamicina, ciprofloxacino y ceftazidima. El 63,6% del total de antimicrobianos usados tenían uno o más defectos en la prescripción. Los hallazgos más frecuentes fueron la duración prolongada de la terapia, indicación no correspondiente al diagnóstico y combinación inadecuada de antimicrobianos. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la prescripción y las diferentes salas de medicina, así como en las diferentes enfermedades infecciosas, excepto la ITU. Conclusiones: La prescripción antibiótica evaluada en las diversas salas de medicina fue inadecuada, por encima de resultados de otros estudios en diferentes países y regiones. (AU)^iesObjective: The objective of this study was to assess the appropiate antimicrobial agent prescription in the internal medicine service of a Peruvian public hospital. Materials and methods: This is an observational and descriptive cross-sectional study. We collected data from medical records of patients over 16 years of age who were hospitalized in medicine wards, received antimicrobial therapy, and were discharged between January and February 2014. Results: Of 358 medical records of patients discharged from January 01st to February 28th, 2014, 198 records were assessed (55.3%), which corresponded to patients who had received some kind of antibiotic therapy. The most common diagnoses were UTI, CAP, cellulitis, and diabetic foot. The antimicrobial agents most frequently used were ceftriaxone, clindamycin, ciprofloxacin and ceftazidime. Nearly two thirds (63.6%) of all antimicrobial agents used had one or more defects in their prescription. The most common defects were prolonged duration of therapy, the indication did not correlate with the diagnosis, and many combinations of agents were inadequate. There were no statistically significant differences between prescriptions when comparing different medicine wards and the different infectious diseases that were treated, except UTI. Conclusions: Antimicrobial agent prescription in several medicine services was inadequate, in higher rates compared to other studies performed in different countries and regions. (AU)^ien.