Resumen: | La carne de cuy tiene un alto valor nutricional para el ser humano. Sin embargo, es un excelente medio de cultivo para microorganismos que pueden ser nocivos para el consumidor. Durante la transformación del músculo a carne se producen reacciones biológicas y químicas que ayudan a descender el pH muscular, reduciendo el crecimiento bacteriano. Objetivo: Determinar los cambios del pH intramuscular del cuy (Cavia porcellus), durante las primeras 24 horas post beneficio tradicional. Materiales y Métodos: Se emplearon 30 cuyes machos de raza Perú, de 8 a 10 semanas de edad, clínicamente sanos y con pesos vivos entre 800 y 1300 g. Luego del sacrificio, las medidas del pH se realizaron en los músculos Psoas mayor izquierdo y derecho utilizando un pH-metro digital, las medidas se tomaron a las 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 y 24 horas post beneficio. Resultados y conclusiones: A las 0 horas los pH en los músculos Psoas mayor izquierdo y derecho fueron de 6.71 +- 0.27 y 6.67 +- 0.27 respectivamente, alcanzando su mínimo valor de 5.95 +- 0.08 y 5.96 +- 0.09 pH a las 12 horas. A las 24 horas post beneficio experimentaron un ligero incremento hasta 6.05 +- 0.09 y 6.06 +- 0.08 pH en el músculo Psoas mayor izquierdo y derecho. Se concluye que los valores de pH de los músculos Psoas mayor fluctuaron en un rango de 5.95 +- 0.08 pH a las 12 horas a 6.06 +- 0.08 pH a las 24 horas post beneficio. (AU)^iesThe guinea pig meat is high in nutritional value, thus contributing to food security in the Andean region. However, the guinea pig meat is an excellent culture medium for microorganisms that can be harmful to the consumer. During the transformation of muscle to meat, this undergoes a series of biological and chemical reactions that helps to lower the pH muscle which affects bacterial growth. Objetive: To identify the variations of intramuscular pH in guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) during the first 24 hours after sacrifice. Materials and methods: 30 male guinea pigs, between 8 and 10 weeks of age and weighing 800g to 1300g were sacrificed. The pH measurements were in the left and right Psoas mayor muscles, with a pH-meter. The measurements took place at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours after the slaughtering. Results and conclusions: The pH at 0 hours was 6.71 +- 0.27 and 6.67 +- 0.27 in left and right Psoas mayor respectively, reaching a minimun value of 5.95 +- 0.08 and 5.96 +- 0.09 pH respectively at 12 hours after it. A slight increase up to 6.05 ± 0.09 and 6.06 +- 0.08 pH, respectively, was registered at 24 hours after the slaughtering. We come to the conclusion that the pH values of the Psoas mayor muscles fluctuated in a range of 5.95 +- 0.08 pH at 12 hours post slaughter, to 6.06 +- 0.08 pH at 24 hours past slaughtering. (AU)^ien.