Id: | PE1.1
Autor: | Flores Calderón, César; Espejo Reese, Fernando; Dueñas Vargas, Alain; Ramírez Ramos, Fredy. |
Título: | Eritomelalgia: Reporte del primer caso a nivel nacional y revisión de la bibliografía^ies / Eritomelalgia: Report of the first nacional case and review of the bibliography
Fuente: | Rev. Soc. Peru. Med. Interna;16(1):10-16, 2003. ^bilus.
Resumen: | The erythromelalgia is a rare condition characterized by te triad of red, hot and painful extremities, make the diagnosis is often problem because the patients have intermitent symptoms and findings not present during the physical examination. The diagnostician, therefore or by elevating the affected extremity, classically inmersion in buckets of cool ice or ice water that is mandatory for the diagnosis has remained an enigma diagnostically and therapeutically for decades and there is little information about its natural history, and optimal treatments, no objetive diagnostic criteria exist for applying the diagnosis of Erythromelalgia and confusion exists in the literature concerning nomenclature and classification. We report the first case of erythromelalgia based in the clinics, medical record physical examination and the laboratory findings in a patient who is from Lima. There is a not previous reported case in the natural literature. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores: | Eritromelalgia Extremidades
Límites: | Adulto Humanos Femenino
Localización: | PE1.1 |