Id: | PE1.1
Autor: | Documet Villegas, Patricia Isabel; Accinelli Tanaka, Roberto Alfonso; Caravedo Reyes, Luis Manuel. |
Título: | Lactancia materna exclusiva en hijos de madres tuberculosas^ies / Exclusive breast feeding in children of tuberculous mothers
Fuente: | Rev. méd. hered;2(4):144-148, dic. 1991. ^btab, ^bgraf.
Resumen: | En el Hospital Cayetano Heredia de Lima, Perú, se estudió prospectivamente a 28 hijos de madres tuberculosas entre 1983 y 1988. Los niños recibieron Isoniacida 10 mg/kg/dia por 6 meses y se les puso PPD cada 3 meses. El peso promedio al nacimiento fue 3075 gr; fueron pesados y tallados mensualmente. 26 fueron exclusivamente amamantados, manteniendo el peso y la talla para la edad cercanos al 50 percentil del NCHS. Se registró el perímetro braquial materno cada mes y el promedio estuvo por debajo del 50 percentil (83 por ciento), sin disminuir durante la lactancia. Los niños que recibieron lactancia presentaron PPD negativo a los 6 meses. En conclusión, los hijos de madres tuberculosas exclusivamente amamantados, recibiendo quimioprofilaxis, pueden crecer normalmente sin contagiarse ni exponerse al riesgo de desnutrición, enfermedades y muerte que trae la alimentacion artificial, con gran ahorro para las familias y las naciones. (AU)^iesTwenty eight children of tuberculous mothers at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital in Lima, Peru were studied Twenty five of the mothers han positive sputum tests when the diagnosis was made. Average birth weight was 3075 gr. Isoniazid (10 mg /kg day for 6 months )was prescribed and a tuberculin akin test was performed every three months on the children. Body weigh and lenght were measured monthly. Twenty six children were esclusively breastfed and their birth weight in 4 months. They maintained their weight and lenght for age near the NCHS 50th percentile and their average fitness level between the normal range (42-102 per cent).The mothers´ arm circumference waas below the 50th percentile (83 per cent), but their nutricional status did not decline during lactation. All the 27 breast-fed children had negative tuberculin skin tests until 6 months of age. Isoniazid was not taken by 18.5 per cent of the sample. We conclude tha the nutritional status of tuberculous mothers do not decline during laction and their children exclusively breast-fed who receive quimioprophylaxis are able to grow normally according to international standards without being infected. They are not exposed to the risk of undernutrition, disease and death caused by overdiluted and contaminated milk, common in underdeveloped nation. In addition, breast-feeding reduces the costs of child raising for both the familiares and the countries involved. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores: | Tuberculosis/transmisión Lactancia Materna Isoniacida/uso terapéutico - Estudios Prospectivos
Límites: | Humanos Masculino Femenino Lactante Adulto
Medio Electrónico: | / es
Localización: | PE1.1 |