Resumen: | There are shown results of the data and material of biological samples of Prinotus stephanophrys, which come from the Regional Laboratory of Paita (05°05'S) of the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) during the period 1978 to 1989. Prionotus stephanoprys is distributed from shallow waters to 300 m depth wich temperature from 11.3 to 19,1°C and oxygen content from 0,13 to 2,77 ml/l. During El Niño these ranges vary from 14,1 to 25,1°C and 0,31 to 5,01 ml/l (Espino, 1990). The fisheries of falso volador is carried out by trawling ships. During 1979 was registered 34 017 of londings which is the 35% of the total amount. Statistical analysis of "t" student is included indicating that in 1982 and 1984 thet were not different. The condition factor evidence fluctuations in its values by effects physiological and environmental changes. It was determined that the stage of reproduction ocurred mainly in summer and spring, with short periods of spawnig in winter. The analysis of covariance indicates that the regressions of males and females for 1978, 1982, 1987 and 1988 were not different statistically. (AU)^ienSe registran los resultados del análisis de los datos y materiales de los muestreos biológicos d ePrinotus stephanophrys, procedentes del Laboratorio Regional de Paita (05°05'S) del instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) entre 1978 y 1989. El prionotus stephanophrys se distribuy desde aguas someras hasta los 300m de profundidad con temperaturas de 11,3 a 19,1°C y contenido de oxígeno entre 0,13 y 2,7ml/l. Durante El Niño se le encuentra entre los 14,1 y 25,1°C y 0,31 a 5,01mll de oxígeno (Espino, 1990). La extracción del falso volador se realiza con embarcaciones arrastreras, y durante 1979 se registró 34,017t desembarcadas constituyendo el 35% del total. Se incluyen análisis estadísticos de "t" students, observándose qaue los años 1982 y 1984 no fueron significativamente diferentes. El análisis de covariancia indica que las regresiones peso-longitud de machos y hembras para los años 1978, 1982, 1987, y 1988 no fueron diferentes estadísticamente. (AU)^ies.